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Crop Overview

The potato (Solanum tuberosum) belongs to the Solanaceae family of flowering plants. The potato is the third most important food crop in the world after rice and wheat in terms of human consumption. More than a billion people worldwide eat potato, and global total crop production exceeds 300 million metric tons.

India holds third position in potato area and second position in total production in the world. The average national yield is around 19 tons per hectare; the yield level in better performing states is more than 22 tons per hectare.

Major Pests & Damage

Major Pests & Damage



(Agrotis ipsilon)



(Myzus persicae)



(Tetranychus urticae)

Potato Tuber Moth

Potato Tuber Moth

(Phthorimaea operculella)



(Amrasca biguttula)



(Thrips tabaci)



(Agrotis ypsilon)

White Fly

White Fly

(Bemisia tabaci)

Major Diseases

Major Diseases

Early Blight
Early Blight

(Alternaria solani )

Early Blight cause dark, sunken lesions at or above the soil line, sometimes called collar rot.

Black Scurf
Black Scurf

(Rhizoctonia solani)

Solani causes black scurf on tubers and stem and stolon canker on underground stems and stolons and it occurs wherever potatoes are grown. Poor stands, stunted plants, reduced tuber number and size, and misshapen tubers are symptoms of R. solani infection.

Late Blight
Late Blight

(Phytophthora infestans)

Late Blight cause black and brown lesions appear on stem and petioles; when petioles or leaf stalks are affected, entire leaf can collapse; entire vine or plant can quickly collapse and die in period of high humidity.

Root Knot Nematodes
Root Knot Nematodes

(Meloidogyne spp)

Nematode injury varies among species, but can include galls on roots and tubers (root-knot), necrosis of roots (root-lesion), or a subtle stubby-appearance (stubby-root). Above ground plant symptoms may range from no apparent injury to less vigorous growth to stunting, yellowing, wilting, and death.

Potato Scab
Potato Scab

(Streptomyces scabies)

Scab symptoms are usually first noticed late in the growing season or at harvest. Tubers are susceptible to infection as soon as they are formed. Lesions start out as small brownish spots, which enlarge into water-soaked circular lesions within a few weeks of infection.

Potato Wart
Potato Wart

(Synchytrium endobioticum)

The diagnostic symptoms of potato wart are galls produced on several plant parts. These galls are primarily parenchymatous and may form on stem tissue, including the stem base, stolon buds, and tuber eyes. Galls most often form on below-ground portions of the plant.

Major Diseases

Early Blight
Early Blight

(Alternaria solani )

Early Blight cause dark, sunken lesions at or above the soil line, sometimes called collar rot.

Black Scurf
Black Scurf

(Rhizoctonia solani)

Solani causes black scurf on tubers and stem and stolon canker on underground stems and stolons and it occurs wherever potatoes are grown. Poor stands, stunted plants, reduced tuber number and size, and misshapen tubers are symptoms of R. solani infection.

Late Blight
Late Blight

(Phytophthora infestans)

Late Blight cause black and brown lesions appear on stem and petioles; when petioles or leaf stalks are affected, entire leaf can collapse; entire vine or plant can quickly collapse and die in period of high humidity.

Root Knot Nematodes
Root Knot Nematodes

(Meloidogyne spp)

Nematode injury varies among species, but can include galls on roots and tubers (root-knot), necrosis of roots (root-lesion), or a subtle stubby-appearance (stubby-root). Above ground plant symptoms may range from no apparent injury to less vigorous growth to stunting, yellowing, wilting, and death.

Potato Scab
Potato Scab

(Streptomyces scabies)

Scab symptoms are usually first noticed late in the growing season or at harvest. Tubers are susceptible to infection as soon as they are formed. Lesions start out as small brownish spots, which enlarge into water-soaked circular lesions within a few weeks of infection.

Potato Wart
Potato Wart

(Synchytrium endobioticum)

The diagnostic symptoms of potato wart are galls produced on several plant parts. These galls are primarily parenchymatous and may form on stem tissue, including the stem base, stolon buds, and tuber eyes. Galls most often form on below-ground portions of the plant.

Nutritional Deficiency









Nutritional Deficiency

Recommended Products & Their Applications

Product Applications
Hands in the Soil

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